Sunday, March 31, 2013


Thursday, March 28, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I'm so excited to have a garden this spring! Shonn and Beckett started our peat pots (I think that's what they are called; thankfully, I'm married to a horticulture genius!).  Shonn is such a great dad - he was teaching Beckett all about the seeds and talking to him about growing plants the whole time.  He is so patient and really teaches while he spends time with him.  Warms my heart.

We are going to have carrots, green beans, tomatoes, and cantaloupe.  (And maybe strawberries?)


We left the hospital in a snow storm on Sunday!  By Monday morning, we had a foot of snow.  The boys decided to play outside and enjoy one more big snow before Spring really arrives.  They made this Snowbunny as a fun way to celebrate the mixing of winter and Easter!

A Week in the Life of Sunshine

Here are some pictures of our little Sunshine's first week.  <3 p="">
Two days old

Three days old

Heading home!

Snuggled up at home - 4 days old

One week old today!

Beckett and Harper's First Day Home

This is the best video ever, and such a sweet memory.

My Little Sister!

Beckett has been the sweetest, most loving big brother I could have ever prayed for.  He loves Harper and is adjusting remarkably well.  I am so thankful!  I can't believe he isn't even 2 yet.  He seems so grown up and big now!

Here are some pictures from their first week together.  This is really the meaning of life!
First Meeting!

"That's my sissy!"

"I love her!"

"I wanna hold her. By self."

Beckett gives Daddy and Harper the cards he made for them with Mee Maw Hild

"For sissy!"

Giving Harper a hug

First kiss.  <3 td="">

Our family feels complete!

Lots of kisses!

Teaching her how to pray

One of my FAVORITES!

He keeps saying, "Wanna hold her by myself!"  He did great!