Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Park Party

Sunday Funday continued with a trip to the park after nap. We got an ice cream cone and then headed to Wyman. ("Mmm! Ice cream comes are good, mom! I like em!")
Beckett played on the equipment:
While Harpey played in her pumpkin seat. Then we had a picnic on the grass and explored. I love how they look at each other. 
Reaching for her toes:
Blue eyed baby:
Happy girl! 
She's discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out: 
While exploring, we found cicada shells. Beckett was fascinated and we had to find them all and "crunch them up!"
Then we went to the pond and explored some more. Sissy watched the birds and tried to coo like them. Beck chased squirrels and threw rocks in the water. He also poked at the mud with sticks. It was a wonderful afternoon. Videos on YouTube. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

5 Months Old

Harper has added unimaginable joy to our lives over the past five months.  This past month, her personality and motor skills have really developed.  She is grasping objects really well, and can take her paci out of her mouth and put it back in. She rolls front to back and back to front, and can travel across the floor with sequential rolls.  She is such a happy little girl, laughing and interacting with everyone.  She loves to cuddle and be held, and she is also very interested in books and voices.  She is extremely vocal, too!  I would say she is happy and content 99% of the time, unless she is hungry or tired. (And most adults would say the same thing!)

Here are a few pics of our little doll over the past month:

And some quick videos:

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Daddy snuggles before we left:

Ready to go! 

Beckett has been doing a great job staying in preschool class at church! I usually have to take Harp out of service because her eating schedule conflicts with the timing. So I always peek in the one-way glass to see how Beckett's interacting. Usually, he's right next to the teacher, and up until two weeks ago, they were holding him a lot. Recently, though, he's been playing and much more independent. 

Today, when I went by, I took a couple of pics. First, he was trying to take another boy's toy and I heard him saying, "it's my turn!" Then, he was running a truck all along the walls and doors while the teacher lined the class up. Finally, he ran to the front of the line and stood right by the teacher. Haha!
(Far right:)
(Right next to the teacher:)

Worship was so awesome today! Shonn and I both enjoyed it and afterwards, a helper from Kingdom Kids came to tell us how much she loves seeing Beckett song, clap, and dance during worship. She said he just lights up. It made me so happy, and I thought it was sweet of her to come find us to say something nice. 

We've been eating at the club after church and today, Beckett said to the busboy as we left, "Thanks a lot, Cody!" Annnnd, it was the right name. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Downtown Disney

Tuesday night, we went to Downtown Disney, where there are all kinds of restaurants, shops, and options for outdoor entertainment. 
Harper was in the Bjorn almost the whole time, and Shonn and I could not believe how many people came up to us to comment on her. (She's so cute! or She's such a pretty baby!) We joked that we should have kept a tally.  One girl even wanted to take her picture!  I realize that right now this might seem like overly proud parents (true), but I also wanted to write it down so I could tell her some day.

Beckett was a crowd-pleaser, too.  We are in the "I-Want-To-Walk!" phase, so he was walking and running and spinning and laughing the whole time.  People would come up and talk to him (or try to get out of his way) and comment on his energy as well as his conversational skills. (What a busy little guy! Isn't he cute? Wow - he sure can talk/run/keep you running!)  This age is one of my favorites, by far.

We hit the Lego store, based on a suggestion from Angie Cross, and it was amazing to see the creations they have made with Legos!  Here was one of our favorites:
We shopped at the Disney store for gifts - it was an amazing store, more like a museum, actually!  Then we had dinner at the T-Rex cafe, which was so perfect.  It's like the Rainforest Cafe (owned by the same group) and is full of dinosaurs that move during a meteor shower.  They make noise and are very realistic!  Part of the restaurant is an ice cave, so B loved that since it reminded him of Ice Age, and there was a family of mammoths on the outside of the cave.  It was awesome!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sea World

Sea World was one of the highlights of our trip! When we first arrived, we went to the dolphin nursery and were able to see lots of dolphins swimming right next to us!

 Next, we watched the Shamu and Orca show called "One World". It was amazing to see such giant creatures following commands!  They danced, waved, and (of course) SPLASHED! Beckett told everyone he was going to see "The orcas". :)

We also played on the rides while we were there. He really loved the spinning rides, but wasn't too sure about the rocking pirate ship. He loved them, though.  

Harpey thought it was "O.K."
Then we saw the manta rays and an amazing shark exhibit.  We walked through an aquarium with sharks and fish swimming around and above us. It was amazing!

Finally, we got ice cream and headed back to the hotel.  It was a wonderful visit!