Friday, June 22, 2012

Little Landscaper

Time to install a water feature!

Mom and Dad were installing a water feature in their garden today, so we headed over there to see the big cement truck.  Beckett loves big trucks, so Gramps invited us over to see it. We ended up joining the fun, and Beckett got some additional experience that should get him in the door at Hild Landscaping someday. 

Here are the results:
The big "UCK" arrives

Of course, Beckett dressed for the occasion. :)  He is really focused on the big truck.

Gramps is directing the action.

Beckett is overseeing the project.

You can see the forms that the cement was being poured into here.  The stream goes through their wildflower garden to a little pond, where you will find the lucky goldfish from Beckett's first birthday party. :)

"Let's keep it moving, folks."  We put Beckett's handprints in the cement.

Time to get to work.  "I'll show em how it's done! My daddy taught me!"

Very proud of his work here.
"Enough with the paparazzi, Mom.  Trying to work here."

"Put your back into it, Mom!  Like this!"

Now I'll put MOMMY to work!

This was a fun project.

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