Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Firehouse Tour

Captain Chris Wright gave us a tour of the Sullivan Fire Department today!  It was AWESOME.  They have beautiful trucks and emergency vehicles and you can tell the guys take great care of the equipment.  Beckett loved the trucks and kept repeating "truck" over and over.  Captain Wright even took us on a short drive around the block in the big fire engine!  It was very exciting.  When we got back, he showed us the other vehicles and took us through the bunkhouse.  It was a great adventure!
This is one of the department's fire trucks.  Doesn't Beckett look grown-up here?

He was drawn to the big wheels (round and round) and the shiny bolts. (Or whatever they're called.)

This is in the BIG fire engine right before we took a ride!

Captain Wright is at the wheel.  (Beckett is saying "Truck")
These are the firemen's seats. 

With Mommy after our ride!

"Hey, what are these things for?"

"Mom, these are fire men's lanterns! Duh!"  Captain Wright also showed us some amazing equipment they have, including a hand-held heat sensor lamp and a remote control that operates most of the truck's high-tech features.

This is the big engine with our city's Fire Department Captain!

Then it got really exciting -Beckett got to DRIVE!

"This is pretty cool!"

Chris showed Beckett the attachments for hoses and hydrants.  He explained Sullivan needs a lot of them because some of our hydrants are so old. (At least that's what my limited understanding got from his explanation!)

Making friends with the firehouse dog.
Special thanks to Captain Wright and the Sullivan Fire Department for keeping us safe! (And for making Beckett's day!)

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