On Tuesday, Beckett and I met Rachel and Molly in Tuscola to spend the afternoon at Prairie Farms in Champaign. Prairie Farms is one of the Champaign Park District's properties, and I found it in the Go: Illinois Tourism guide I got in April. I've had it on our list of places to visit this summer and I was really happy Rachel and Molly could go with us. I was very impressed with the park; it was extremely well maintained and the animals were in good care. There was also a small child's playground and lots of open space to play. I would highly recommend it! (
http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/facilities/pfarm/) I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as the kids enjoyed the park!
We went after 3 specifically to enjoy the petting zoo, which is only open from 3-7 each day. Rachel read on the website that only close-toed shoes were allowed. We opted for cute close-toed only to find out upon arrival that they had to fall into the tennis shoe or boot cateorgies. If we wanted to go in, we had to use their loaners! Oh, the things we do for our kids... :) |
Inside the petting zoo area, Beckett was an old pro. The worker even commented, "I can't believe how brave he is around the animals for being so young." (Mommy was always close by!) |
He really liked the donkey and Shetland Pony. Here they are checking each other out. |
And here is Beckett neighing in a very high range. On repeat. |
This goat loved Beckett and followed him around all over the play yard. I think he thought Beckett's hair looked like some tasty wheat. Beckett couldn't stop laughing! |
Giddyup, Partner. All we need are some spurs. |
Molly loved the goats and horses, too! She was a great helper all day long, pushing the stroller and waiting for Beckett. |
On the lookout for the goat... |
Getting a lick. |
And a nuzzle. |
"Did ya se that crazy goat over there?" |
After the petting zoo exhibit, we went through the rest of the areas, starting with the turtles and then the baby goats. |
Both kids liked the bunnies.
"Which one do I like best?" |
"Probably the white one, I guess." These bunnies were so furry they looked like oversized hamsters or gerbils. |
Onto the pig pen, where there were three piglets. Beckett started snorting and then made himself laugh. He loved it when the piglets scurried by, snorting, and it made him laugh even harder. |
Down to the little pond to see some ducks. He is really beginning to want his independence and sometimes wants to walk, run, climb, and go-go-go all by himself. |
"SH, SH, SH!" There were huge coy in the pond and Beckett frantically pointed and labeled. His smile was huge! |
This bridge was a test. It angled up, had a flat platform, and then angled down. He wanted me close, but kept pulling his hand out of mine. So I stayed closed and kept my hand ready in case he fell, but nope! He did great, and then wanted to do it over and over and over. After the eighth time, I encouraged him to move on by picking him up and carrying him to the next stop. He wasn't too thrilled with my plan. :) |
...Until he saw the male turkey. The turkey was all fluffed out and Beckett pointed and gobbled. |
Both kids were really interested in him. |
But one of Beckett's favorites was the llama. I think it was really interesting to him because we haven't really learned "llama" yet, and it looks kind of like a horse/cow/camel, but he could tell it wasn't any of those things. When I said, "llama," he kept repeating, "YAMA! YAMA! YAMA!" and pointing. |
The llama was not as impressed as I was. |
You can see how happy Beckett was to leave his llama friend to see a peacock. |
Here, he checks back on YAMA! who was across the way. |
Beckett loved the chickens, and Molly loved the ducklings, which I didn't get a picture of, I guess. |
Then, we were on to the playground, where Beckett thought he aged about 2 years and was ready to run around with the other kids. :) He loved the stairs, which made me nervous, so I was the only adult in the upstairs of the playground, until Rachel and I switched so I could take some pictures of the kids. :) He loved being around the other kids and he is so friendly, smiling at them and trying to bump heads, which is one of his ways of hugging. |
Miss Molly helped Beckett with the slide, too! |
Afterward, we needed to eat, so we drove to the mall, where we thought there would be plenty of options, other kids, and an opportunity to ride the carousel. We took a lap around the mall and then headed home. It was a great day!
Molly picked an ostrich, which she called, "Big Buddy" So cute! |
Mini Me! |
Beckett wanted the bench this time, and I think it gave him an opportunity to check out the other animals and the lights. I love the light on his blond hair! |
He especially liked the "DEEAH" (deer) behind us and the "NEEEEIGH!" (horse). He kept looking at me and pointing to different animals. I love how he is eager to communicate and share what he's learning with me (and others). |
Both kids enjoyed the fries! Beckett also loved the philly steak sandwich, with peppers, mushrooms, and a little swiss. YUM! |