Happy birthday to Beckett!
He's four months already and growing like a little weed. He's a happy boy, busy cooing, singing, and screeching. He loves his changing table and giggles and kicks when we put him on there to get him dressed.
Here's what we have to look forward to this month:
By the end of this month, Beckett should be able to:
- hold head steady when upright (Check!)
- on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms (Check!)
- Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin (?)
- squeal in delight (DOUBLE check)
- reach for an oject (Check!)
- Smile spontaneously (Check!)
- smile back when we smile (Check!)
- grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers (Check!)
- keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (Check!)
Beckett might be able to:
- roll over
- bear some weight on legs (Check, since about 2 months)
- say "ah-goo" (Check)
- razz (not quite sure what this is...if it's making "raspberries", that's a check - one of his new favorite things to do)
- turn in direction of a voice (Check)
Beckett may possibly be able to:
- sit without support
- pull up to a standing position from sitting
- stand holding on to someone or something (Shonn says he can do this now)
- object if you try to take a toy away
- work to get to a toy out of reach
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other
- look for a dropped object (Check - look at his "Let's Have a Little Talk" video)
- rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist
- babble, combining vowels and consonants (He's at the start of doing this now, especially in the car. It's so cute!
Looks like another exciting month is on the way! Happy birthday, baby!
Happy 4 month old birthday, Beckett! You are getting to be such a big boy! I love watching you grow. Your Mom does such a great job journalling your life. (I'm SO happy!) You are a lucky little guy...your Momma is a very amazing Mom and she loves you very much! And so does everyone else that meets you!