Beckett had his 4-month check up yesterday. Shonn and I met at Dr. Willett's office with our questions and nerves...he was slated to get more shots. The ladies helped weigh and measure him and they said he was the cutest baby they have! I love them more for that.
Beckett now weighs 16.1 pounds, which is the 75th percentile of kids his age. I took him in for a height/weight check 3 weeks ago, and he hasn't gained much weight since then. Dr. Willett was glad, even though Beckett grew 1/2 inch in those three weeks! He is now 25.5" long, which is the 55th percentile for length.
We talked about starting to introduce real foods and discussed the pros/cons of starting with rice cereal. There are several studies out that link it with Type 2 Diabetes, and Dr. Willett didn't see much nutritional value in starting there, especially since Beckett is eating so well now. He encouraged us to start with green foods, because "once you go orange (or sweet) it's hard to go veggie." I'm kind of excited to see how Beckett reacts to new foods! Shonn and I are going to get some this weekend and record his first reaction. It should be good!
Dr. Willett was also really happy to hear Beckett is still nursing. (I guess I won the "Golden Boob" for breastfeeding longer than any other moms in his practice.) I didn't think 4 months was that long, but he said that it just gets hard for a lot of women when they go back to work. I can definitely see that! I'm hoping we can continue at least through Christmas. I know 6 months will help him with the antibodies and immunities he needs. I can't believe that's only in 2 months! He is growing so fast!
We got to the dreaded part of the appointment - the shots - and he did so great! He hardly cried at all. Shonn thinks he's especially tough. :) I fed and snuggled him to calm him a little, and he was asleep by the time we pulled out of the parking lot. He is such a good baby.
It was a great visit!
How adorable is your little guy? Loved the video of him talking in his sleep too! That was so precious. Kudos to you on the breastfeeding too! I did it for 4 months and while I planned to pump when I went back to work, it was a lot harder than I expected because of my commute, so we stopped shortly after I was back at work. Whatever happens, just go with it - don't beat yourself up if you don't get to 6 months, but you also might surprise yourself and go longer. Once he's eating more solids, he'll be taking less from you. Smart to start with the veggies...though at almost 2, Tommy pretty much refuses veggies, even though we started with the greens as a baby too!
ReplyDeleteHe is getting so big! I love his new pictures! Hopefully we can get together soon! Miss you guys so much! Love ya!