Not in her pregnancy - I'm overdue in this post about her!
If you read Krista's blog, Ruddology (), you might know Beckett and I went to Edwardsville for an (also) overdue visit. If you read her blog, you probably also know why I admire her so much. Krista is an amazing mom. One of the things I noticed while Beckett and I were there was how patient she was with her adorable boys. She encouraged their play and listened carefully to them when they talked to her. The boys, 4 and 3, were so polite and well-mannered - curious, interested, and sweet. She has worked really hard with them, it's obvious, and she has loved doing it, which is also obvious by the amount of time, energy, love, and careful planning she has put into her important role as their mother. On the way home from Edwardsville, I cried because I want so badly to be the kind of mother she is - always there for my kids and in control of the environment in which they grow up. She and Brian seem like a great team, and their lives well-designed for parenting and raising strong Christian men. It's obvious to me why God has blessed them with three boys, and I am so, so happy for her. She is definitely in the role designed for her, and she is doing an amazing job of fufilling her purpose. I hope someday Tyler, Lucas, and Colin are able to see what lucky guys they are to have her as their mom.
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