I ordered these adorable onesie labels from one of my new favorite Esty sellers, Purple Possom. I also ordered a couple of gifts for the aforementioned babies, and a set of onesies for Beckett's first holidays. We did this "photo shoot" at home and this is one of my favorite pics.

(Above) Of note: The shirt he's wearing is a 0-3 month size, and this is definitely the last time I'll be able to squeeze his little rolls into it. He's in 6 months in Carter's brand, and 6 month Ralph Lauren is starting to look like sausage casing, so he's about out of all the adorable rompers I bought him before he arrived. Needless to say, he may be subjected to several costume changes per day in the next couple of weeks.
Here's the little cutie at 3 months!

Soooo cute!!!! Love that shirt! He is good at posing. Happy 3 months Beckett!!