Sunday, July 31, 2011


"Please, mom...No More Pictures!"

Beckett's Reaction to the Exhibits... (haha)

Well, we are on our way home. It was a nice little trip.

Let's start our recap with the museum... As you'll recall from my previous post, The Body and the Brain exhibit received some pretty controversial press. I can now see why! Essentially, people who donated their bodies to science were turned into displays for examination - almost works of art. Gunther von Hagen, the person who created the exhibit, is a very unique person. He was masterful in describing, explaining, and showing the human body in its most basic physical state. There were probably 15 complete bodies displayed to show muscles, ligaments, and bones working to perform tasks we do daily. There was a baseball player in full-swing, a ballerina in a pirouette, and even a pair of figure skaters in some type of spin. The complete nervous system had been seperated from everything else; each organ was displayed with an explanation and corresponding healthy/unhealthy examples. The webs of arteries and veins were isolated and displayed in correct position, as if the rest of the body had been made invisible. Never had our existence seemed more miraculous to me; the intricate detail and minute mechanisms that make our most basic functioning possible could never have been happenstance. Truly, our biological design is beyond comprehension.

At that same time, there was about the whole thing. Something uncomfortable. Intensely. As we were looking at the exhibits, it was hard to get past the sense that we were looking at people. I couldn't help but wonder who they had been, and that led me to think about who we really are. Not too far from those thoughts came some questions...Were these 'displays' really people? Or had the things that made them human - made them real - left when they died? We have to be more than the beautifully, miracuously designed tissue and sinew, because underneath it all, we are exactly the same. These exhibits, while all human, couldn't have been the same. Yet you couldn't tell if these people had been American or Armeanian, white or black, rich or poor. Which of them had enjoyed hard rock over classical music? What were their favorite flavors of ice cream? Who were their role models? What did they believe in? Hope for? Dream of? Even though physically, we are designed the same, aren't those unique features what make us human?

An exhibit like this does so much more than teach human anatomy. It forces reflection - if forces people to think about their beliefs. It seems it would be more important for those people among us who have doubts, because it is impossible to leave without recognizing the role and importance of the spirits within our physical beings.

I don't think I would want to go again. Even though it caused some deep thinking, it was also disturbing and kinda creepy. The guy is very passionate about this, too, which is cool, but still kinda creepy... I don't know - some people don't have a hard time with death, but gawking at dead bodies - for whatever reason - is a little morbid for me. But I am glad we went. Shonn and I had some great conversations as we left. Beckett, on the other hand, was asleep. (I can't wait to tell him about his first museum visit. Shonn is quick to point out there were other cool things, including a dinosaur exhibit. But really? What's he going to remember?)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Guys' Trip

On vacation...
We checked into the room and it took all of five minutes for the guys to get into full-on guy-mode. I whipped them into shape and now we're on our way to the museum.

Mobile blogger!

AND I can even send pictures from the iPad to our blog! I'm even more sold.

Now I just need to work on my photography skills...

Mobile blogging!

No, for real: i'm actually blogging mobile-y. Shonn and I are in the car on our way to....not Fiji, but St. Louis!

I'm so techy that I'm using his 3G iPad to write this. I must admit (Adam), I'm a fan. I thought the touch screen would be harder to use, but I'm typing just like I would on a keyboard... I'm not too shabby, but I'm terrified of the auto-correct feature. I've seen bad, bad examples. Nightmarish actually.

Anyway, I'm really excited about our adventure today. We are going to the Science Museum, which looks Iike it has some really cool exhibits, including this one about the human body.
Shonn said it is pretty controversial, and I can definitely see why. I'll post my reactions tonight... I'm not too much of a medical fan (blood makes me faint), so this should be an experience.

Is anyone surprised we are taking Beckett on an educational trip already?

Learning from My Dad

I read in Bringing Up Boys, by Dr. James Dobson, that around age 15 months, babies begin to realize that their moms and dads are two very different creatures. (In some cases, very, very different. ;) ). From that realization until about 23 months, babies make a decision about which parent they want to be like. I'm over-simplifying, but essentially, after noticing there are differences, kids pick one and begin modeling their behavior after that parent.

Dr. Dobson's assertion is that point in their sons' lives is one of the most important times for fathers to be present and involved. I don't agree with everything the good doctor has to say, but this part is grounded in child psychology, so whether or not you buy into his political agenda, it's hard to ignore the importance of this impressionable period.

That being said, I'm really thankful for Shonn's schedule. Beckett will be 15 months next summer, when Shonn will be able to take him fishing and (likely) on the tractor. (If we wait that long.) His schedule will allow him to spend more time with Beckett throughout the year, too, since he isn't coaching. This will be really important, since B will be surrounded by hens all day, every day, between Grammy, Grandma Hild, and Casey. And, bottom line: There is only so much girl-time a guy can take before he just needs to get outside and get dirty.

So I'm thankful for Shonn's schedule, and even more thankful that he is the guy Beckett will be learning from. He's such a great guy. (Although I am sure I'll interject some female points-of-view...Like, "Oh are you sure you want to keep that fish? Poor little thing..." or "I feel so bad for the team that lost...") I guess it's obvious he needs his dad...

He's learning every day!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Beckett didn't like tummy time for a long time, and it still isn't his favorite, but he doesn't mind it as much lately. According to What to Expect: The First Year, by the fourth month birthday, babies should be able to: "on stomach, lift head 90 degrees, laugh out loud, and follow and object in an arc about 6 inches above the face for 180 degrees (from one side of the face to the other)." The book says the "should be able to" lists fit approximately 90% of babies, as measured by the Denver Developmental Screening Tests and on the Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS). Shonn and I just read through this list last night as kind of a fun check - we aren't planning on instituting milestone drills anytime soon. The only thing on the "should be able to" list we hadn't seen yet was the 90 degree head lift, partly because we don't do as much tummy time as suggested. (An hour a day! WHAAAAT?!) But today during tummy time, look what Beckett did! (And I promise this wasn't the result of a milestone training session.)


Shonn says we're going somewhere this weekend, but he won't say where... Exciting! Here are my guesses:
1. Deserted island in the Caribbean;
2. Fiji;
3. Hawaii; or
4. St. Louis.
He said it was a day trip, so I guess that helps narrow down the above options. I appreciate him doing something special for us!
Here he is the day Beckett was born. What a cutie.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crying Like a Baby

Dear Beckett,

I have learned so much about you over the past 15 weeks. It has been the most amazing time of my life, watching you grow and change, and I have loved every second of our time together. I can't believe how well I understand you and what you need, and we don't even use the same words yet. I guess it's true that love is the universal language, because even though you can't tell me with words what you need or how you feel, I know.

One thing I've learned is how to decipher your cries. You have several different versions, and I love every one of them. There's the "I'm Tired! Cry", which Daddy likes to say, "Isn't even real!" When you cry because you're tired, you close your eyes and move your head back and forth. It sounds like a little baby goat, braying, calling out for someone to pay attention. I always do.

Then there's your, "I'm Hungry! Cry", which starts sweetly, like you are asking, "Please feed me." This cry starts like a whimper, and is sometimes accompanied by a sweet little bottom lip sticking out just enough to be greeting-card cute. It melts my heart. If the lip doesn't do its job to produce food within your timeline, that sweet face quickly changes as your cry escalates into an, "I'm-Serious-FEED-ME! Cry". Normally, at this point, your mouth is open to release a loud yelling sound and your eyes are eyes sqeezed tightly shut. As soon as I start to feed you, your face relaxes and you make sweet contented sighs.

We certainly can't forget the full-on "I'm MAD Cry". That level is a scrunched-up face, like a little red prune, and it gets louder and longer. It makes my stomach hurt. This cry can usually be stopped when I hold you close and whisper or sing in your ear. An "I'm Mad Cry" likes to make its debut in the car, while Mommy is driving. As such, Mommy has stopped to get in the backseat with you on many country roads, in many rest areas, gas stations, and McDonald's parking lots to hug you until your tears are all tucked away.

At night, when you need your Mommy or Daddy, you'll cry out for us. Sometimes, little tears come with this quiet, calling "Come Love Me Cry". They trickle out the sides of your eyes and down your sweet cheeks, and they taste salty when I kiss them away.

Sweet Beckett, I would do anything to stop your crying and show you I love you, to show you that I'm here. That's a mommy's job.

You might not know this yet, but Mommies cry, too, and we have our own versions.

The day you were born, I will never forget the "He's My Miracle Cry" that felt like my chest was going to explode because it was too full. It started when I heard your sweet cry and was a mixture of overpowering love and relief that you were okay. You were crying, too, but you quieted as soon as your daddy put you on my chest. That cry was magic.

Sometimes, Mommies cry because they are worried they aren't doing everything right. During these "Inadequate Cries", my shoulders slump, I close my eyes, and tears sneak out while I pray for guidance. You will learn that sometimes, prayers are the only things that can make you feel better.

Then, there is crying because of overwhelming gratitude and happiness. The "Joyful Cry" sneaks up on me during those special moments in the middle of the night when I'm rocking you back to sleep. I cry because I am so thankful to have you in my arms. When I look down at you, snuggled close to me, tears spill from my eyes, a physical manifestation of love pouring from my heart. They fall on your tummy and I thank God for you.

Other times, Mommies cry because they are sad. I have that feeling right now, sweet baby, because the time I have with you is going to change soon. I'm going back to work on Monday, which means I won't get to be the one to dry all of your tears, and that breaks my heart. This "Heartbreak Cry" is quiet. With streaming tears, my stomach tightens, my eyes close, and my heart hurts.

It would seem that, like the language of love, the language of tears is a universal one. Because of these universal languages, I know what your tears mean and I believe you know how much I love you.

It's because we love you so much that your dad and I are trying our very best to do what is right for our family, and also why tonight is a Heartbreak Cry. There are many opinions to consider when it comes to being a mommy, but yours is the one that matters most to me. So my greatest hope is that someday you'll say, "Mommy, I love you. You did a great job raising me, and I always knew how much you loved me."

And on that day, I promise you - your mommy will cry.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Water Baby

Beckett and I had an adventure today! We went on the lake with my parents. Bekcett loves his Grammy and Gramps, and we had a really nice boat ride down to Lithia Springs Marina and back. I set up a fort for him so he was out of the sun the whole time. The little "sail" on the top captured the gorgeous breeze. He loved it! Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the fun ride.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is there anything sweeter?

...Than a sleeping baby?

Remember those dolls we used to beg our parents to get us? The ones that closed their eyes when they lay down? They were so sweet, lying there asleep, and you just wanted a reason to tell everyone, "Shh! The baby's sleeping!" The really nice babies were heavier; their arms and legs kind of hung down when you held them against your chest and their tummies were squishy. Wasn't it the best if you could get one that would make little cooing sounds when you cuddled it? If it smelled like baby powder or Johnson's Baby Lotion, it was an added bonus, and it was especially wonderful if its skin was soft and its face sweet.

Funny how I kept begging my heavenly father for one, well into my thirties. He listened, and here my baby is, doing the sweet sleeping thing. I think I got the best model.

Lunch with Kristen

Today Beckett and I got to have lunch with a friend and colleague, Kristen. I was fortunate enough to meet Kristen through another administrator who attended one of my workshops and afterward said, "You HAVE to meet this girl." He was sure we would hit it off because our interests and approaches to education are so similar. He was right. Since that time, we have worked together and talked about lots of things, including goals and the whole work-life balance. Most recently, she's been a great support for me regarding the transition back to work, and I'm very thankful for that! This year, we have been working on a project for integrating the new Common Core State Standards in our districts, and she drove all the way from Charleston to make it easier for me to meet with her. Here she is, with Beckett, who is wearing the cute shirt she got for him.

And here is the little guy, ever the gentleman, picking up the check. What a ladies' man.

Thanks, Kristen, for meeting us today, and thank you for your friendship.

Doctor's Visit

We went to Dr. Willett's office this morning to make Beckett's 4 month appointment and to have him weighed and measured. I just love all the girls in his office; they are so sweet and always make a big fuss over Beckett. They even have his picture hanging on a bulletin board when you come in.

So, we made the appointment, which Shonn will have to take him to because I will be back at work and it's our first day. I'm sad that I will miss it, but not THAT sad because it's a shot appointment. Shonn says it hurts me more than Beckett.

Anyway, back to today - one of our favorite nurses measured Beckett and he is 24.5 inches long (80%) and he is 16 pounds, 1 ounce (90%)! He has changed so much since we were there for his two-month appointment. Not only is he a LOT bigger, but he also loved getting undressed and lying on the table, inspecting everything.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm a Growing Boy, Mom.

Look how much Beckett has grown!

This chair was one of our favorite baby items, a gift from Uncle Bob and Aunt Nancy that we have used almost daily since we brought the little guy home. Now, it's in the bathroom so we can hang out and "talk" when we're getting ready. He loves the mirror and the little sheep that hangs down. Anytime I play the music, it reminds me of those first few weeks he was home with us.

So, here he is this morning as I was narrating my morning routine. (Unfortunately for him, that included makeup application. Note the bored expression and glassed-over eyes.)

And here he at two weeks old. I just packed these pajamas away yesterday because he has definitely outgrown them. They look so tiny now, and here, they were too big!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Lil Fighter

You might think from the scratches all over his face that this post is about him fighting, say, a feral cat, but in actuality this post is about him fighting sleep. (And the face scratches are from his own nails. SAD.) Saturday, I got to sing at my (beautiful) cousin Natalie's wedding. The guys stayed home because it was an outdoor ceremony and approximately 120 degrees. Shonn had a hard time getting the little munchkin to sleep and he took this video while I was gone. I made it into a movie on Beckett's YouTube Channel. Here it is:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Needn't Have Worried...

Beckett slept really well in his own bed, regardless of our little hotel slumber parties. It was harder on me than him...I missed the extra cuddling. He also slept for 6 hours in his own bed last night! The pic above was taken about 15 minutes ago - hes snoozing on the couch while I blog and make videos.

Speaking of sleep, let's address the associated fashion. These are my favorite pjs right now - they are absorbia brand and really soft. They also remind me a little of the bedding Krista picked out for Colin - kind of a modern pop art pattern. Obviously, Beckett doesn't quite see the need to take a picture of his pajamas, as evidenced by the look on his face. :)

Ahhh...Young Love.

Last night, Shonn and I had a date night with some of our friends, Cory and Kristin, while Beckett and their adorable daughter, Ava, hung out with Katelyn and Ashley - two of our former students who are almost all grown up! The four of us had dinner at Jibby's and then saw The Producers at the Little Theater. The play was amazing - tons of costumes, great dancing, and very funny acting. Anyway, we had a great time, and apparently, so did our kiddos... Check out this adorable vid the babysitters (who were amazing!!) took:

Here's a link to the full-length movie I made of it on Beckett's YouTube channel. So cute!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There Could Be Trouble...

I had some work to do for the Illinois State Board of Education on the Illinois Alternative Assessment this week, so I convinced Shonn to bring Beckett and consider it a mini-getaway. (It's simple parental math: Free hotel and food + close to Grandma & Grandpa's house = Easy first time away from home.)

We had a great time! On Monday, we got to the hotel around noon and napped for about 3 hours. Ha! Exciting. Then we went shopping and out for dinner. There is a new sporting goods store in Springfield called Steehl's, and it is livke a carnival for grown up men. No, really. There is a ferris wheel in the center of the store. There are also tons of games, like a racecar simulation, bowling alleys, firing ranges, and batting cages. For those randoms who actually came to the store to shop, there are three floors of assorted sports, hunting, fishing, kayaking, boating, (insert other manly -ing word here) goods to buy. To give you an idea of the scope, my husband is a fishing fanatic, and he said the fishing department was a bit too overwhelming. That would be like me saying the shoe sale was a little too large. Really.

We also went to the mall so I could get a few new things for work. I'm back down to prepregancy weight, but certain areas are still a little...differently shaped, shall we say? This...shifting is the reason I HAD to get some things to wear. The guys got pics taken in a photo booth while I speed shopped. (I was really proud of how quickly I was in and out.)

Anyway, the whole point of this post (hence the title) is to discuss the sleeping arrangements on this mini vacay. Specifically, that: A) Shonn and I slept in seperate beds ala Brady Bunch (NOT kidding); and B) Little Mister Beckett slept with his mama both nights.

I need to digress from the story long enough to disclaim that I am adamantely against co-sleeping, unless there are proper safety precautions. Needless to say, at the Hilton Crowne Plaza, there aren't bed cribs or dividers. I'll go ahead and finish my story now, even though you all are going to think I'm a terrible mom.

So, Beckett slept with me, and I have never woken up so stiff in my entire life. I felt like Rodin's Thinker when I got up this morning because I had to crack almost every joint in my body as if they were made of stone. I swear not one part of my body moved all night long, except my eyelids, which were open approximately 8 of the 8 and a half hours we were "asleep" to keep my eyes on him. Obviously, mama didn't sleep well, but I was the only one in the bed not sleeping. The Brick slept like the proverbial baby. Really, really well. Both nights. I'm hypothesizing this was because he was really close to me (not alone) and had easy access to midnight snacks whenever the mood struck him.

So why might there be trouble at the Hild Ranch? Because after two nights of sleeping like said baby, the little mister is headed back to the crib tonight. We'll see how that goes...

PS: I have some really cute pics from this weekend, but can't seem to find my Blackbery cord at present. I'll post them later!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Grammy & Gramps

My mom and dad came over for dinner tonight. Mom made amazing ribs - she slow cooked them for a full day, and then Shonn warmed them up on the grill with some BBQ sauce. They were delicious. Mom and Dad are leaving for a romantic Puerto-Rican getaway tomorrow, so we wanted to spend some time with them before they left. (Oh, who are we kidding...they just wanted to see the little rascal.)

I love that my parents have always valued life experiences. We were never rich by anyone's financial standards, but we were very rich in living life. As a kid, I got to visit almost every state, feel the surf on both coasts, swim in all four great lakes, travel abroad, get stranded in a variety of contexts, camp in who-knows-how-many places, and make tons of memories. My parents value relationships and experiences - not materialistic things. I am so appreciative of how they taught us each to consider what really matters. It was always family-first, and while at age 15, it really sucked to be away from the boy-of-the-moment all summer long, I wouldn't trade the late-night card games, story-telling by the campfires, journal writing, or nature walks we experienced as a family for anything.

I'm looking forward to torturing Beckett the same way as he gets older. :)

Krista, Overdue

Not in her pregnancy - I'm overdue in this post about her!

If you read Krista's blog, Ruddology (), you might know Beckett and I went to Edwardsville for an (also) overdue visit. If you read her blog, you probably also know why I admire her so much. Krista is an amazing mom. One of the things I noticed while Beckett and I were there was how patient she was with her adorable boys. She encouraged their play and listened carefully to them when they talked to her. The boys, 4 and 3, were so polite and well-mannered - curious, interested, and sweet. She has worked really hard with them, it's obvious, and she has loved doing it, which is also obvious by the amount of time, energy, love, and careful planning she has put into her important role as their mother. On the way home from Edwardsville, I cried because I want so badly to be the kind of mother she is - always there for my kids and in control of the environment in which they grow up. She and Brian seem like a great team, and their lives well-designed for parenting and raising strong Christian men. It's obvious to me why God has blessed them with three boys, and I am so, so happy for her. She is definitely in the role designed for her, and she is doing an amazing job of fufilling her purpose. I hope someday Tyler, Lucas, and Colin are able to see what lucky guys they are to have her as their mom.


I'm so happy that over the course of these last two weeks, I've seen all three of my best friends from college - Krista, Maria, and Jenn! This picture is from our last girls' weekend, which was over a YEAR AGO! A lot has happened in all of our lives since this picture, but one thing that I'm thankful hasn't changed is that we all care about each other a lot.

Beckett doesn't know what to think about all these pretty ladies, but he wants them to know:

Jenn's Visit!

Friday Night: Jenn, one of my other best-best friends (also from college) arrived! We have been really close ever since college, especially the "golden summer" after our sophomore year, when we both stayed at Eastern and worked as Orientation Leaders. (And attended a variety of concerts, shared a million or so late night talks, and let Tony Romo crash at our apartment.) I love spending time with her - it's like we never miss a beat. Our families are very similar, and she has always been there for me, especially when I needed a friend most. (e.g.; when I woke up to realize I had nothing in 2005, she let me live with her for a year, which resulted in 10 great months of a nightly slumber party, complete with Grey's Anatomy dvds, wine, Trisuits and Cheese dinners, laughing with a frequent side of crying, and time to put my life back together.)

She hadn't met Beckett yet, either, so it was an exciting introduction Friday night. After the little guy fell asleep, we went to Skeeters, a restaurant on the pier at Sullivan Marina. Shockingly, she hadn't been there in all the times she's visited, so it was an important addition to her Sullivan experience. We met my parents there for a drink and some conversation, and ended up ordering FROG LEGS! We decided if we didn't order them, it would be like going to the Cape and failing to order lobster. It was kind of sad - I wouldn't order them again, especially since Dad made some joke about seeing two frogs escaping the kitchen in wheelchairs. Dislike.

Saturday: Jenn, Beckett, and I went to our neighbor's house to enjoy their POOL! We have awesome neighbors, and Bob and Carol are among the very best. They love Beckett and have always been so nice to us. They are in Vegas this weekend, so they told us to feel free to come over...they didn't have to invite me twice! I've been dreaming of a pool day all summer long! They have a gorgeous setup with a covered porch area, so I put Beckett in his favorite bouncy seat and he fell asleep for two hours while Jenn and I floated and talked nearby. Here he is, living the rough life...

Shonn had two estimates to do Saturday morning, so when he finished up, he joined us for a quick minute poolside. (ANNNND he delivered Sonic - yum!) When Beckett woke up, I took him in the pool for a few minutes and he loved it! (Until he got hungry, at which point he commenced some pretty impressive crying.)

Saturday night: We went to a local art show at the AB Seals Factory loft, which is being converted into an artists' loft. There are currently 5 different artists renting space to create and display their work, and they have a few more coming. It was really cool stuff - furniture, jewelry, and art - mostly made from reclaimed wood or recycled materials. The atmosphere was cool - they had drinks and music, plus the artists were all there to talk about their stuff. I love that this is in Sullivan, and that our little community supports the arts so much. After that, we got ice cream and came home.

Jenn had to take off pretty early this morning, because she has a ton to do today with a very busy week coming up. I hope she knows how much we appreciate her friendship and the time she took to come down and visit. Beckett loves the play mat and nursery rhyme book she brought for him, and I can't wait to get him in the cute camo outfit she picked out. Love you, girl!

Miss Maria!

It was such a great weekend - very busy and full! I have a few different posts about this weekend because it was getting so long! Up first: Miss Maria! Maria is one of my favorite people in the world.

So on Thursday, Beckett and I met Maria in Mattoon. She hadn't gotten to meet the little Brick yet, so it was exciting! I hadn't seen her since the baby shower, which she did a TON to help with, including took all the pictures. We met her for lunch with her wonderful mom, Cathy, at Cody's in Mattoon. They both spoiled Beckett with several cute new outfits, including this "Born to Be Wild" shirt Maria picked out. I love this picture because it looks like he's training a wild animal. (Luckily, it's just little Lexi, calm as can be, who looks like she's thinking: Seriously? Another picture?)

Beckett did great during our lunch, but sadly, the only picture I have of he and Maria is from the bathroom from when Maria first saw him! Haha!

Her mom took some good ones, though, so hopefully she'll post them on her blog, Braham Fam. (hint, hint) Maria is an amazing girl - I love her to pieces - she's one of the strongest (and most gorgeous) people I know. Anytime something happens to her that would have most people caving in, she stays strong and seems to be able to find something to look forward to, or something positive about it. She has had a lot of tough times recently, but she is still as sweet and positive as can be. I love and admire her for that. After getting to know her mom a little more, I can see where she gets some of that! Cathy is a really sweet person, too.

Anyway, Maria and I have been friends for what seems like forever, and she is so thoughtful and fun. She always remembers special events and takes more pictures than (just about) anyone I've ever met, which comes in handy for the rest of us. I wish I could see her more often - I love her and her husband, Craig. They are great people and even better friends!

I'm 3 months old!

HAPPY THREE MONTHS, Baby Beckett! We love you!
I ordered these adorable onesie labels from one of my new favorite Esty sellers, Purple Possom. I also ordered a couple of gifts for the aforementioned babies, and a set of onesies for Beckett's first holidays. We did this "photo shoot" at home and this is one of my favorite pics.

(Above) Of note: The shirt he's wearing is a 0-3 month size, and this is definitely the last time I'll be able to squeeze his little rolls into it. He's in 6 months in Carter's brand, and 6 month Ralph Lauren is starting to look like sausage casing, so he's about out of all the adorable rompers I bought him before he arrived. Needless to say, he may be subjected to several costume changes per day in the next couple of weeks.

Here's the little cutie at 3 months!

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Dancing with Mom

Beckett seems to really like music. He moves his feet and moves his arms in rhythm. (I like to think it's a genetic gift from his Grandpa Cox.) Since he enjoys it so much, I like to put different kinds of music on the tv. Today was jazz and he seemed to really like it, so when he got a little fussy, we started dancing around. Here's a link to a short clip of one of our dances.

The coolest thing was right after this song finished, Peggy Lee's "There is No Greater Love" started. The lyrics are beautiful and so fitting. As we waltzed, she sang,

"There is no greater love,
Than what I feel for you,
No greater love,
No heart so true.
There is no greater thrill
Than what you bring to me
No sweeter song
Than what you sing to me.
You're the sweetest thing
I have ever known
And to think that you are mine alone.
There is no greater love
In all the world, it's true.
No greater love
Than what I feel for you."

We danced to her beautiful voice and I smiled at the truth of the lyrics. Beckett was cooing and patting my back in time, so I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about his dad and me... : )

I am so thankful for this time with him!

A Day of Visitors!

Friday afternoon: My grandma Cox and Aunt Julie came to visit! Grandma Cox is my mom's mom, and Aunt Julie is her sister. She is about 10 years younger than my mom, but they look a lot alike - you can definitely tell they are sisters!

At about 12:15, they came over to visit and it was so great to see them. I guess Aunt Julie had never been to our house, which was surprising, so it was even better that she could come. Grandma hadn't been here in a couple years, at least, and she complimented all of Shonn's hard work on the landscaping. (He does an amazing job!! )

While they were there, we had a quick lunch of turkey and bacon sammies and caught up. They got some Beckett love and gave me some advice. I've been reeeeeally stressing about day care (another post, another time), and they made me feel a little better about it. They stayed until about 1:30, and I can't believe I didn't take any pictures! (I needed Maria here to remind me.) Speaking of Maria, I was going to meet the little miss and her family for a mani/pedi, but they were already at Jackie's getting started, so we missed it.

Later that afternoon, we had a visit from Miss Ingrid and her fiance, Ted! We love Ingrid and were very excited to see her again. She brought Beckett a little puppy lovey and she brought Shonn some delicious sweets. Ingrid is one of those girls you look at and think, how on earth does she do it all?! She's darling, extremely thoughtful, and an excellent baker. She is always remembering special dates and giving cute gifts or cards to everyone. Plus, her house is immaculate and perfectly decorated and she's great at her job. She's really someone who has made the most of her life, and she's a great friend.

Here she is with her fiance, who did a great job with Beckett, I might add... :)
Friday evening, Jenn arrived!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Stuarts

Thursday night we got to visit our friends, The Stuarts, at their new home. It's a beautiful house and they have done a great job getting everything moved in already! We grilled burgers in their backyard, which is a gorgeous setting with a pool, sunroom, and landscaping. Beckett had fun meeting Molly, when he wasn't crying. :( He's been getting a little fussy at night, and Shonn and I think he is going through a growth spurt... Most of the time he's a very content little guy!

Anyway, thanks to Rachel and Rich for inviting us over - we had a great time!

Sleep Epiphany

I am reading the book Touchpoints of Development by T. Barry Brazelton. ( It's an older book, but has great information about developmental milestones and "touchpoints" to monitor a baby's growth. At each stage, the book discusses eating, sleeping, and motor developments, and well as what's going on cognitively.

Last night after Beckett went to bed, I was reading the section on sleep for four month olds and I had a lightbulb moment. Here's what the doctor writes: "For a baby to sleep through the night, he must be ready to cuycle between deep and light sleep several times. Understanding this is our first touchpoint for avoiding sleep problems. Sleep experts have found that all of us cycle between deep and light sleep, coming up to a state of light sleep called REM (rapid eye movement) every ninety minutes." I stopped here and realized that's probably why I remembered my dreams so much more vividly during pregnancy and when Beckett was first born - I was waking up every ninety mintues or so, probably during a REM cycle.

But my epiphany about Beckett was later, as the chapter goes on to explain: "Every three to four hours, we come into a more active state, closer to waking...As a baby comes up into light sleep he is likely to cry out...and to thrash around in bed...On his back, he is likely to startle, throw out his arms and legs, become upset, and cry. As he cries and moves around, he gets more upset." I'm nodding as I'm reading this - check, check, check. Here's where it got really important: "If [the baby] has a pattern of self-soothing, such as finding his thumb or a blanket...he will settle down again...At these four-hour cycles, babies may cry out in fear. They aren't awke, but they may awaken themselves by their own thrashing, uncontrolled behavior. Parents find these periods very difficult. They feel they must go in to help the baby settle." (Well, yeah, I'm thinking...) "Feedings at 10:00 P.M., 2:00 A.M., and 6:00 A.M. are predicatbly based on these arousal periods." (Is this guy looking in our windows at night?!) Ready for the key idea? "If parents become part of the baby's arousal pattern, they will have to be there to help him settle himself every three to four hours. If they pick him up to feed, change, and settle him, he will not learn to quiet himself back into deep sleep...A baby who is always allowed to fall asleep at the breast is not learning to get himself to sleep. He's using his mother for that purpose." I'm wondering - is that such a bad thing? Until I read on: " 'Sleep problems' are likely parents' problems. Many parents are reluctant to leave a child to be independent at night." Am I doing that? "Separation will grow more and more difficult for the baby later on." (pgs. 91-92) At this point, I'm feeling pretty bad. Thinking, So, basically, I'm waking him up and making him more dependent?! Someone call foster care now!!!!

I quickly checked three other sources to see if this doctor was a quack or on the money. All three supported his general ideas. (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby , Focus on the Family Guide to Childcare , and

Sooo...maybe I have been inserting myself into his nighttime routine too frequently... Luckily, (and in self-defense, haha) I think he is just now beginning to make the transistion between the newborn who needs to eat on demand to the baby who can go for longer periods. So it's a good thing I stumbled across this passage when I did!

I feel like this is the first of many times I'm going to have to put his needs before mine. If I'm really doing what's best for him, and not what's best for me (e.g.; cuddling and feeding him every time he stirs), he will become more independent. And that makes me feel less needed, which is sad, but also healthy and important to start now! Now regardless of what anyone says, I'm never going to make him "cry it out", which I know some parents do; it's just not my philosophy. At the same time, maybe I need to stop rushing in to his room at the slightest grunt, whimper, or sigh. If I wait to see if he's really hungry, it will give him a chance to self-soothe and build some independence.

As a final thought - isn't it crazy to be thinking about a child's sense of worth and independence when he is only 3 months old? But I guess that's the big idea: What we do now matters. Every decision we make seems incredibly important, and I just want to do it all the best possible way. Because bottom line: I love him so much.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Favorites from the Fourth

We had a great Fourth of July! Several friends and their kids came over for a cookout. It was wonderful to catch up with everyone - here are some of the pictures.

The picture above is is my really good friend, Kristin, and her adorable daughter, Ava. Ava is about 6 weeks older than Beckett, and we love her!

This AWESOME picture is of all our kiddos! From Left to Right, there is Kaylee, Casey's daughter; Mr. Beckett; Grace, Katy's daughter; Braylon, Jayme's little guy; Hayden, who belongs to Joni; Alex, Katy's son; Kiptyn, Kaylee's little brother; Julia, Joni's daughter, and Ava. Later, Carrie's little ones, Evy and Micheal, joined us. It was so cool to see all our kids together. Loved it!

This picture is of my high school friends and their daughters. I wish it weren't so blurry! We had a great time catching up - I wish we could do it more often.

I can't wait for the next celebration with everyone! :)

Baby Week!

This week has been the week of the baby! Krista had her baby boy (check her blog for details - I'm sure she'll have an update on there soon!), Chad (my co-worker and friend) and his wife, Tera had their baby boy, and our neighbors had a little girl. They are all darling and they all have awesome names. I won't tell Krista's, but Chad and Tera named their little boy Paxton Joel, and our neighbors named their little girl Archer Lynn.

We really appreciated everyone bringing food over after Beckett's arrival, so today my little guy and I made some dishes for them. Here he is helping me prepare chicken alfredo for Chad and Tera:

Annd here he is when he realized cooking and listening to Mom list ingredients and steps wasn't that much fun:

Congrats on all the new babies!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grabbing Toys

Beckett's motor skills are developing more and more each day. Today, he grabbed and shook a toy on his own for the first time!

I made this into a full-length feature film (haha) on his YouTube Channel. ( )

7 hours?!

Yep - that's how long our little man slept last night! 9:30 - 5:00! He is growing up so fast!

Here's how it all went down...He got fussy around 7 while we were at small group, which is pretty typical, and he settled down a bit after I fed him. He slept until about 9, when he ate again and then crashed for the night. The craziest thing was that when I woke up around 3 and realized he hadn't woken up yet, my first reaction was a sort of sadness - he doesn't need me as much already! Wouldn't you think it would be relief? After all, that's the longsest I've slept since I was about 6 months pregnant!

I quickly realized my reaction was perhaps a teeny bit unhealthy, but this morning as I've been thinking about it more, I'm starting to wonder if that's the first of many similar instances to come... The point of parenting is to raise children up so they don't need you - and that simple statement of fact seems to be laden with heartbreak for mothers. On the flip side, though, as a child grows and you see the characteristics you've instilled become part of their personality, you can feel a sense of accomplishment. Don't get me wrong - I am super excited about a full-night's sleep, but it is the first step toward realizing he isn't going to be a baby forever, so in that way, it was bittersweet. At the same time, I am looking forward to every phase of Beckett's life and am excited to see how our family grows and changes over time. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying some additional hours of shut-eye.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome, Baby Beckett!

Shonn and I are thrilled to introduce a new member of our family. After years of waiting, God blessed us with Beckett James Hild. He was born on April 14, 2011, at 12:37, and has since taken the front seat in our hearts and with our time. It's amazing, looking at the posts from one year ago, how much can change! We are so thankful for this little blessing. Here is one of his newborn photos:

At this posting, Beckett is almost 3 months old, and he is such a happy guy. He smiles, coos, and loves interacting with others. He quickly developed a schedule and enjoys his naps!
Thankfully, this week, he has started sleeping for longer periods, about 5 hours at a time! This is such an improvement from the past couple months, when he was up every 90 minutes or so. I never imagined I could get by on so little sleep! It's definitely love, because no matter how tired I was, as soon as I got into his room and took a look at him, I went from tired to incredibly thankful and in love. I'm not complaining now that he's up less frequently, though, that's for sure! Now a typical night has him up at about midnight and again around 4:30. He has discovered the soothing powers of his thumb, which has helped, and I read that cognitively, babies at this age are more capable of transitioning between the various stages of sleep. Initially, I was hesitant to let him have a pacifier or suck his thumb, but the way I look at it is that both make him feel better, and at this young age, that's important! Here's our little thumb-sucker now:

Shonn and I have adjusted to parenthood pretty naturally. We both cherish every moment with him, and since we both have to go back to work soon (another topic for another post), I doubt I'll have much time to blog. I want to make it more of a priority (which shouldn't be too hard since it's been nearly a year!) because after a recent visit with my dear friend, Krista, I was reminded how nice it is to have a way to share life's special gifts with those we don't see very often. For that reason, I'm going to try to make posts. (Thanks, Krista. PS: She bought Beckett the adorable shirt he's wearing in today's pictures. It was also a hit at church this morning!) We also have a YouTube Channel, Beckett414, that relatives far away have enjoyed ( Finally, Facebook has become an awesome way to share our little miracle with our friends and family. My cousin's 4-year-old son, Gabe, told his mom he wanted to go look at facebook so he could see Baby Beckett grow up. Precious.

So welcome Baby Beckett! We love you. Time to go hang out with my guys.