Here is what Baby Center says we can expect this week:
"Homing in on sounds
Your baby now realizes where sounds come from, and he'll turn quickly toward a new one. One of the easiest ways to engage him is to jingle a set of keys. Wind chimes are great attention-getters, too." This is interesting because just today he was startled by the wind chimes on our sun porch and he fixated on them and started cooing while he reached to grab them.
"Your baby may now be able to recognize his own name and understand that you're speaking to him when you say it. You may notice that your little one turns his head when you call him or talk about him with others.
If you want to engage and entertain your baby, all you need to do is talk to him. At this age, babies don't learn language from the television or radio, so turn them off and use real dialogue instead." I talk to Beckett constantly. I read this one article where a lady said her daughter started talking constantly, and one of the first phrases she said was, 'money noodles', referencing penne pasta. She connected money with pennies, which caused her to call the pasta money noodles. This was all because the mom constantly narrated her day - trips to the store, basic housecleaning, etc. I can't wait to hear what our little man has to say when he starts to talk. In the meantime, I'll keep filling his sweet little head with lots of vocabulary!
"A growing range of emotions
Your baby can't express his emotions in the same complex way that you can. Although he can let you know in clear ways when he's angry, bored, or happy, his ability to show love and humor are just developing.
Your baby also shows a strong attachment to you by raising his arms when he wants to be picked up and by crying when you leave the room. He may also give you hugs and kisses.
And he's beginning to get the joke — he'll laugh at funny expressions and try to make you laugh, too. Keep the laughter flowing with your silly faces!" As we were grocery shopping today, I realized I am one of those moms who talks, sings, and makes faces to her baby like there are no adults around. It made me smile.
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