This picture (below) is of Noah's Ark - the vessle has two-by-two varieties of pumpkins in each window. So cute. Noah, on the other hand, is looking a little old and weathered...

This cool sign collection is right when you come into the patch. The nice lady at the gate took our picture. Shonn joked that we should have turned around and left after she took it.
One of the cool displays is this white pine path. It's covered in rust-colored pine needles and the branches whisper in the wind. It reminds me of our family's old tree farm near Eagle River, Wisconsin.

They have this neat sign: How Tall This Fall? Beckett is over two feet, at 27 inches, but it doesn't quite show in this pic. It will be fun to see the difference each year.

My FAVORiTE part of the Pumpkin Patch is the animal displays. They have the Three Billy Goats Gruff, the Three Little Pigs, bunnies, chickens, roosters, sheep, llamas, and my favorite - GOATS. Beckett loved the animals - especially this goat, who he tried to kiss (or eat).

Little Mr. Independent wants to go climb on the pumpkin house. Good thing Shonn had ahold of him!

you can either buy a pumpkin that is on the ground, pre-picked, or go out into the fields and find the perfect pumpkin for your family. If you choose to pick one, you have to weigh it here to determine the cost. Our little pumpkin was off the charts.

I can imagine him saying, "But WHY can't I take it with me?" Or, "Only one?" We did buy one little pumpkin for his room. I didn't want to get too many yet, because we are having a Halloween party, and I wasn't sure if they would last that long. We'll have to go get some to carve when we get closer to the party.
Shonn took this picture and was especially impressed with his photography skills. It did turn out pretty cool! those plants in front of the pumpkins are actually sunflowers. That will be gorgeous in about 2-3 weeks!

Here are some of the pictures of Beckett with the wide variety of gourds at the patch. It was actually featured on Martha Stewart's show and in her magazine for their extensive collection.
The Rainbow of gourds:

It was a great time, capped off with some delicious Amish Pumpkin cookies with sinfully rich cream-cheese icing. Uh-mazing.
We had a great day with our little pumpkin!