Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Tricks

This weekend, I caught two cute Beckett tricks on film.  The first happened when I was cleaning the bathroom sink.  Beckett found the baby q-tips and did this:

The next thing I couldn't believe he did was bring me a banana, saying "NANA".  I opened it for him, and then he walked away, eating it on his own!

He amazes me with how quickly he's learning new things.  He is really beginning to mimic everything!

1 comment:

  1. These are soooo cute. but as I was just sitting here scrolling through all the picture and reading this page, Elle crawls up on my lap and started pointing at the pictures and giggling. THEN SHE PROCEEDED TO BLOW KISSES!!! 1 year old and already blowing kisses at the cute boys! oh my!
