Emmett came to play with us this morning and the boys had a great time. They played with puzzles and stickers, along with just about every dinosaur, car, tractor, book, and kitchen item we own. We also played outside on the swingset and both boys loved racing and chasing. This was interesting because it was the first time another kiddo has come to play without his or her parent there, and Beckett was not used to sharing all of his toys. He reminded himself several times, "Sharing is fun!" and he struggled to hand over some of his stuff when Emmett wanted to play with it. I was really happy with how he listened and tried to share, even though it wasn't natural for him. In fact, his first inclination was to want anything Emmett picked up to play with. Emmett wanted the shovel? Beckett wanted the shovel! Emmett wanted the tricycle? Beckett wanted the tricycle! Emmett wanted the speck of dirt? Beckett wanted the... you get the idea. But he really did listen when I talked to him about taking turns and sharing. They laughed a lot and had a good time playing. Kim came over and we had lunch before they left. It was a fun morning!
First Beckett said CHEESE... |
Then Emmett said CHEESE while Beckett yelled HI to Brad, on the mower. (Have you ever tried to get two 2-year olds to take a picture together? Have you ever climbed Mt. Everest? Approximately equal.) |
Beckett dumped out all 14 of our Melissa and Doug puzzles and the we played a game of search and find to put them together from the pile. They did a really good job of it! |
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