Beckett's 10-month "photo shoot" was very...animated! Check out these thumbnails, posted in order, and I think you'll see what I mean:
Beckett had a wide-range of emotions about turning 10 months. He's working through his feelings. |
In a word, ten-monmths has been about teeth. Beckett now has 5, but the last one caused a fever and he really chewed on just about everything he could find. In addition to the growing set of pearly whites, Beckett has also had tremendous cogintive development this month. He playing lots of games and waits for reactions of others. For example, he's started dropping things so we will pick them up. Over and over and over and... He has always been very verbal, and that has only increased. He imitates sounds we make, and likes us to repeat him, too. He loves peek-a-boo and will search for items we hide. If we put a ball or toy inside a box, he will take the lid off, take the item out, show us, and then put it back and try to put the lid back on. One of his favorite activities is reading. The shelves Shonn put in his room have really helped with this. He picks book after book, and he has his favorites. Anytime he sees a tiger in a book, he makes a "growling" sound loves it when we laugh about it. He also covers his eyes when Baby Elmo does it in So Big!
His crawling has developed to off-the-tummy, but he likes to try to bear crawl with his right leg. As for walking, he is still toddling and has begun using items in the room more to move from place to place. (Or to rearrange.)
He is so much fun, and his personality continues to develop. He is a happy boy, and he isn't afraid to try new things, especially when it comes to movement or FOOD. He eats everything!
Happy 10-month birthday, Beckett!
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