We had a day date with Gramps last weekend, and we started at Rockhome Gardens. I haven't been there since I was a kid, and we had a great time walking around, enjoying the crisp fall weather, and taking in the sights. In the collage above, Beckett is sitting in front of the rock wall - Rockhome Gardens gets its name from the many buildings, walls, and fences made completely of rock. It's beautiful.

This picture (below) is taken inside a historic one-room schoolhouse. Beckett seemed to enjoy the desk. :)
Beckett loved all the animals at Rockhome. My favorite are the goats, and it looks like he might take after me in that way. He kept trying to grab the poor thing's antlers (if that's what they are called). Mr. Billy Goat only came over because he thought we were going to give him some food...unfortunately, the dispenser was empty, so he got some love instead.

This ginormous horse was named Miss Jane. Her caretaker was full of information, but to be quite honest, she kinda scared me. She was quiet and peaceful, but her sheer size was a little overwhelming. Beckett was happy to make her acquaintance.

One of my other favorite parts of the day was the hayride. This cute cowboy guy went around the place, asking people if they wanted a hayride. We jumped on and got a tour of the whole place. Dad is allergic to hay, so I was worried that it might not be a great idea, but he said he would be fine. (His eyes were red later, so I know he just did it because he thought Beckett would like it. That's Gramps Love.)

Looks like you guys had a blast! I'm so glad you are enjoying the nice weather!