This is one of the only pictures we took from Ingrid & Ted's wedding tonight. I forgot to bring the camera, so we had to improvise. A special surprise was that our friend Allison was there with her darling daughter, Hadleigh, and her mom took some pictures, so I'm hoping for those later.
In the meantime, I insisted we take these two pics because my guys looked SO handsome tonight. Shonn even wore a tie! In the right color palette! Without complaint! :) he looked great, and Mr. Beckett wore his black cords with a grey sweater and black houndstooth baby gap old man hat. (He had to match Ingrid's color combo...)
We are so happy for Ingrid and Ted. The reception was gorgeous, at EIU's University Ballroom and completely black and white. The table linens were black or black and white damask, and the chair covers were black with white sashes. They had a candy "bar" and dueling pianos - it was awesome! Ingrid was gorgeous in her dress, which was no surprise - she's a beautiful girl inside and out, and I'm so glad she's found such happiness - no one deserves it more!
We got to catch up with lots of friends, including Ben and Brandi Borries, who we worked with in Shelbyville and also Mattoon. We also got to see lots of middle school friends, like Anieta, Marissa (our neighbor who I never see!), Clyde, Bloomy, Brickey, Monica, Cayla, Debbie & Debbie, the Colombos, and Rachel. (And more!)
In the last picture, Beckett is "talking" to Blayne, Ingrid's nephew, who was born on April 9th, just 5 days before Beckett. He was adorable in a little tux, and he had lots to tell Beckett! It was cute to see them together - they are actually pretty close in size.
Beckett behaved really well, especially considering the salads were served around the time he is usually falling asleep. He got lots of love from lots of special people. It was a wonderful evening, and we felt blessed to share such an important event with such great people.
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