We are so in love with this little eight month old doll!
Making her holiday debut in her first ever Christmas dress. All the Trimmings, Matilda Jane Plat. |
At eight months, Harper is getting more fun every day! Her little personality is starting to develop and here is what we've noticed:
-She wakes up so happy every morning. She smiles, coos, flaps her arms, and kicks her legs in excitement to see you.
-She really knows people now. I told Shonn she makes me feel so special because everytime she sees one of us, she smiles and kicks!
-She does not like to be left alone. At. All. She will play really nicely as long as someone is sitting near her or with her, and she most prefers to sit on your lap or be held as you go about your daily routine.
-She loves to be cuddled...until she doesn't. She wants to be held and loves to see what is going on, but if we are on the couch, she would prefer to sit up than to be cradled like a baby. She will arch her back to let me know "that's not happening, momma!" It's one of the first ways she's moving out of the baby phase.
-She fights sleep. This little gumdrop is going to be a spicy one. She does not want to miss what's going on and will fuss as soon as she feels herself drifting off. If, however, she doesn't see anyone as she's falling to sleep, she will nap. But the second she notices someone in sight, she is going to let you know she is NOT happy about the whole sleeping thing.
Here is what is happening physically with Ms. Harper Jane:
-She sits up very well.
-She can bear weight on her legs, but she's like a wibbly-wobbly doll and has to be held while doing it.
-She has two teeth (so cute!) and seems to have more on the way because she is chewing on everything.
-Her fine motor skills are excellent; I'm amazed at the small things she can pick up and manipulate. Beckett isn't thrilled about this development, since it often has something to do with his toys.
-She isn't crawling; more like face-planting.
-She runs her tongue along her gums and sticks it out a lot!
Cognitively, I've noticed:
-She responds to her name by looking at you.
-She tries to clap and loves it when someone claps for her.
-She makes a variety of facial expressions and laughs and smiles frequently.
-She can put together vowels and consonant sounds while babbling, but doesn't associate them with objects yet. (dadadadadada; buhbuhbuhbuh; mummummm)
-She is happy most of the time!
-She watches your mouth move very closely when you talk to her.
-She prefers to hold the book while you read. This could be a sign about her personality...-She is curious and wants to explore everything. (Including Beckett's hair and ears, which she likes to pull toward her mouth...) Beckett is incredibly patient and sweet to her.
That smile! |
The most ridiculous bow in the world. And she loves it. |
Bundled up for a chilly day. |
Flapping! |
Sweet sleeping doll. |
Playing with a mini Lexi. |
Ready for the holidays! |