Tuesday night, we went to Downtown Disney, where there are all kinds of restaurants, shops, and options for outdoor entertainment.
Harper was in the Bjorn almost the whole time, and Shonn and I could not believe how many people came up to us to comment on her. (She's so cute! or She's such a pretty baby!) We joked that we should have kept a tally. One girl even wanted to take her picture! I realize that right now this might seem like overly proud parents (true), but I also wanted to write it down so I could tell her some day.
Beckett was a crowd-pleaser, too. We are in the "I-Want-To-Walk!" phase, so he was walking and running and spinning and laughing the whole time. People would come up and talk to him (or try to get out of his way) and comment on his energy as well as his conversational skills. (What a busy little guy! Isn't he cute? Wow - he sure can talk/run/keep you running!) This age is one of my favorites, by far.
We hit the Lego store, based on a suggestion from Angie Cross, and it was amazing to see the creations they have made with Legos! Here was one of our favorites:
We shopped at the Disney store for gifts - it was an amazing store, more like a museum, actually! Then we had dinner at the T-Rex cafe, which was so perfect. It's like the Rainforest Cafe (owned by the same group) and is full of dinosaurs that move during a meteor shower. They make noise and are very realistic! Part of the restaurant is an ice cave, so B loved that since it reminded him of Ice Age, and there was a family of mammoths on the outside of the cave. It was awesome!