My dad turned 60 on September 12th! To celebrate, he invited all of his family to Atlanta for a long weekend. Mandy came from Florida on Wednesday, Aunt Kathy and her friend Pat came from Houston on Wednesday, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Bob, and Granny B. came from North Carolina, Matthew flew in from Vegas, and Shonn, Beckett, and I drove in from Illinois Friday after work. We stopped about halfway there for the night and joined everyone at Stone Mountain on Saturday early afternoon. It was a lot of fun catching up with everyone, even though it was a short trip.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:
Beckett loves books. He loves this one so much, he fell asleep reading it. |
Saturday night, we hung out in Uncle Bob and Aunt Nancy's room and ordered pizza! Beckett got plenty of snuggles! |
We also watched tv with no sound. For some reason, it was playing a radio station. But we just made our own soundtrack and everyone was hilarious. Lots of laughing!
Shonn and Uncle Bob at breakfast Sunday morning.
Beckett loved "driving" the high chairs on the shiny tile floors. He was a crazy driver!
Mandy and Levi getting ready to head back to sunny Florida!
Granny B!
Mom took all the good group pics, so when she emails them to me (hint, hint), I will upload them!