Beckett and I had a full, fun-filled day today! First, he came to the doctor's office with me, which doesn't sound like that much fun, but we brought the new dinosaurs Grandma and Grandpa got him for Christmas, some books, and of course, he had that personality along for the ride. First, he made friends with everyone in the waiting room by saying "Hi!" or "Hello!" and smiling at them until they responded. Then he went back around and said, "How you? Good!" Everyone loved him, of course. :) When that got old, he wanted to read his books in his chair.

This appointment was for my glucose screening, so I knew it would be an hour long. But my doctor is notoriously late, like 2+ hours late, and today was no exception... We ended up leaving and I rescheduled because it was getting close to nap time. Sure enough, when we hit the car, he was out. I needed to go to Home Depot to get one more bracket for the baby's closet, so I decided to drive to Mattoon so he could sleep. We got to Mattoon and he was still sleeping, so I decided to drive to Champaign. (Mothers, I know you can relate to this logic.)
We got to Home Depot and he woke up (so thankful for the timing!). We got the car cart, which he loved, and were in and out in about 10 minutes. After that, we headed to Steak and Shake for lunch. Yum!
He made lots of friends again (including the family in the booth behind us, with a Grandpa he hugged over the booth), and ate a ton! He had a whole Cheeseburger and some fries. He got a banana shake to go. (Why not - it's a date!) Thanks to GG for the gift card we used for lunch! It was yummy and fun.
Great-Grandpa Kracht gave Beckett some money for Christmas and wanted a report on what he got, so our next stop was Toys R Us. It was a blast. We went up and down every aisle and he played with everything. No, really. Everything. We were there for well over an hour!
Beckett picked out a talking tool box, which was perfect because he got a new workbench and lots of tools for Christmas. Then we headed next door to Barnes and Noble to read some books. He loved the kids' section and made lots of friends. He also liked "jumping" off the stage.
When we got home, we played with some of his toys, made dinner, and then cuddled on the couch. To end the date, we made some caramel corn and watched Toy Story. It was a wonderful day!