It was such a great show! The set and props were beautifully designed, complete with a boat taking up most of the stage and over 150 wigs, 60 period costumes, and amazing talent. One of our favorites was this guy who sang Old Man River lower than those bottom keys on the piano. He kept popping up throughout the whole show, no matter where the main characters' lives took them: The river boat ("Old man rivah..."); Chicago ("he just keeps rollin..."); and the final setting twenty years later ("he just keeps rolling, alooooong...."). We went to Jibby's after the show and the cast came - the best part?! They had KARAOKE. And what song do you think I requested??? Old Man River. (He actually had it in his library, but no, I didn't embarrass Shonn that much. He would have made me walk home, for sure.)
The other star of the show was the captain, played by Jack Milo. He was uh-mazing. He could dance, sing, and his comic timing was perfect. I guess he's been in a lot of movies or something, too.
If you live around here and you haven't gone, you should definitely plan a date night for Showboat! Or any show at The Little Theater, really, because it's a wonderful night out.